Terms of use

Edition of 10/17/2020

This User Agreement (hereinafter the "Agreement") concluded between the User and the Artery Network Corporation (hereinafter the "Company") located at Suit 103 Premier Building, Albert Street, Victoria, Mahe, Republic of Seychelles, establishes the terms of use of the Artery Network application by the User and is subject to conclusion between the Company and the User. The terms of this Agreement apply to all Visitors, Users and others who access the networkartery2022.com website, the Artery Network application (hereinafter referred to as the “Application”), the ARTR coin and all Artery Blockchain functionality.

We draw the attention of the User to the fact that networkartery2022.com is the only official website of the Company. By accessing, browsing this website and / or using the Artery Network application, Artery Blockchain and ARTR coin, the User confirms that he has read, understood and agrees to comply with all terms, conditions and notices contained or referred to in this Agreement. Please read this Agreement carefully before using the networkartery2022.com website, Artery Network application, Artery Blockchain and ARTR coin (hereinafter referred to as the "Service"). The condition for User's access to the Service and its use is that the User accepts and complies with this Agreement. The user also agrees to be governed by any additional terms and conditions that may apply in connection with accessing, viewing and/or using the Service, whether they are contained in this Agreement or not. In the event of any conflict between this Agreement and the additional terms, the additional terms and conditions prevail. Artery Network Corporation reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to update or revise this Agreement and post the updated or revised Agreement on the Artery Network application or at https://networkartery2022.com/termsofuse. If the User does not accept this Agreement, he must immediately stop using the Service. Please check the Agreement periodically for changes. Further use of the Service by the User after the publication of any changes to the Agreement constitutes acceptance of these changes.

Terms and Definitions:

ArteryBlockchain is a continuous sequential chain of blocks containing information, developed by Artery Network Corporation and built according to certain rules. The connection between blocks is ensured not only by numbering, but also by the fact that each block contains its own hash-sum and hash-sum of the previous block.

Artery Network - Application created by Artery Network Corporation based on Artery Blockchain.

ARTR is a coin created on the basis of the Artery Blockchain to pay for access to products, for example, the Artery Network Application, issued on the Artery Blockchain.

Wallet is an identifier (account number) starting with ARTR- and containing 12 digits. The address can also be presented in the form of a QR code, is anonymous and does not contain information about the owner. It can be obtained free of charge by downloading the Artery Network Application and registering in it.

Affiliate program - a stimulating campaign implemented in the Team section of the Artery Network Application, which is a set of events, the goals of which are to stimulate consumer demand, ensure effective sales, attract attention, increase awareness and loyalty, maintain and increase consumer interest in trademarks, services of the Company and programs of Artery Network and its partners with the aim of their further promotional marketing.

ArteryNode is a product in the Artery Network Application, created so that Application Users ensure performance of the products Artery Storage and Artery VPN, as well as the functioning of the Artery Blockchain, by allocating resources (disk space, Internet connection, computing power) of their devices (phones, computers).

ArteryStorage is a product in the Artery Network Application designed as a decentralized storage of user data.

ArteryVPN is a product in the Artery Network Application developed as a decentralized VPN product based on the Internet connections of the Users of Artery Node product within the Artery Network Application.

Delegation - blocking funds on the User's wallet, increasing the stake of the User him/herself and the team of upstream users in the affiliate program (up to 10 levels).

I. Right to use

ARTR Coin, Artery Network application, Artery Blockchain and all of its Services are not intended for use by minors (defined as persons under the age of 18), and the User declares and warrants that he has reached the age of majority before using the Service; the User has all the powers to conclude this Agreement; by concluding the Agreement the User does not break any other agreement to which the User is a party; the User is not under the control of a citizen or resident of any territories outside the service; the User will not use Company's Service if the applicable laws in the User's country prohibit doing so in accordance with this Agreement.

If the User enters into this Agreement on behalf of a legal entity, the User declares and warrants that he/she has all the necessary rights and powers to act on behalf of such a legal entity.

II.Citizens of Countries Out of Service

Currently, ARTR coins, Artery Network application, Artery Blockchain and all its services are not available or used by citizens of the following countries: USA, China, Australia, Canada, Switzerland, Singapore. This list is subject to change.

III. General Provisions

  1. Artery Network Corporation, located at Suit 103 Premier Building, Albert Street, Victoria, Mahe, Republic of Seychelles, has developed the Artery Blockchain and the Artery Network application.
  2. All questions, suggestions and claims arising from the User in the process of using the Artery Network application, Artery Blockchain and all its services should be sent to the registration address of the Company specified in paragraph 1 of Article 3 (General Provisions).
  3. It is forbidden to create any kind of associations for the purpose of joint delegation of the ARTR coin to extract the maximum payout percentage, as well as the creation of additional rewards for the affiliate program.
  4. If the User's country of residence bans ARTR coin, the Artery Network application, the Artery Blockchain or any of its services, he/she must immediately terminate the use of the Service.
  5. The company is not a tax agent for any holder of the ARTR coin, the User of the Artery Network application, Artery Blockchain and all its services.
  6. The company is not a commercial project. All payments to Users are made in the form of rewards for maintaining the project's performance by issuing new coins when delegating them, signing blocks in the Artery Blockchain and distributing the Service through an affiliate program.
  7. Artery Network is not an investment project, the Service Users are not engaged in investment activities.
  8. The remuneration is paid to the User only in ARTR coin.
  9. The company does not call for buying, storing or delegating ARTR coins. The decision on the purchase and disposal of the ARTR coin depends solely on the User himself.
  10. The User undertakes to familiarize him/herself with the documentation posted on the websites of third parties that ensure the purchase and storage of ARTR coins by the User, including the commissions and fees charged by these third parties.
  11. The activities of the Users of the Artery Network application cannot violate this Agreement, as well as the local laws of the User's country of residence, international laws and regulations.
  12. All data provided in the Service is not always given in real time due to possible changes in the parameters of the Internet connection;
  13. The user is obliged to refuse to use the Service if he/she does not understand the possible risks due to the uncertainty of the legal regime of digital assets.
  14. Starting to use the Artery Network application, downloading the Artery Network application, or completing the registration procedure on the networkartery2022.com website, the User is considered to have accepted the Agreement in full, without any reservations or exceptions. If the User disagrees with any of the provisions of the Agreement, the User is not entitled to use the Service. If the User disagrees with any changes to this Agreement made by the Company, he/she is obliged to stop using the Service.
  15. In case of disagreement with any of the terms of the Agreement, as well as contradiction of this Agreement with the norms of the legislation of the User's country of residence, he/she undertakes not to use the Service. The User independently bears all losses and expenses caused by non-compliance with the above points both to the Company and to third parties.
  16. The Company recommends the User to regularly check the terms of this Agreement for changes and/or additions. Continuing to use the Service after changes and/or additions to this Agreement have been made, means acceptance and consent of the User with such changes and/or additions. In case of disagreement with any changes in the updated versions of this Agreement, the User must immediately stop using the Service;
  17. This Agreement governs the use of the Service, superseding all prior written or oral agreements with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement.
  18. When creating a wallet, the User undertakes full responsibility for ensuring its security.
  19. The Company, as well as the User himself, cannot delete the wallet, since all data on the registration of the wallet is recorded in the Artery Blockchain and cannot be deleted.
  20. Users are prohibited from disseminating information of the following nature about the Service (including the following statements / judgments):
    • "A promise to third parties to obtain high profitability (profit, money, earnings) when using the Service, which is not related to the real terms of remuneration, the amount of which is indicated in section 4. Delegation or 5. Affiliate program";
    • "Invocations to third parties to invest / money / funds in the Service";
    • other information similar in content to the provisions specified in this paragraph.
  21. The User is responsible for the terms of payment for insurance, fees, taxes and other mandatory payments payable as a result of using the Service, which includes that the User is liable to pay taxes on transactions with digital assets (cryptocurrencies) in accordance with the law of the User's country of residence.
  22. All risks arising in connection with the use of the Service or work with it fall on the User, including the risk of not receiving the expected profit from the use of the Service, the risk of software failure after installing the Service, etc.
  23. The Company does not guarantee that the Service and its individual elements are error-free and will function in accordance with the User's expectations.
  24. Under no circumstances will the Company be liable to the User for any losses (including, but not limited to those listed, lost profits, loss of confidential or other information, losses caused by interruption of business, loss of profit, business reputation or data, lost business opportunities, loss of turnover, special, accidental, indirect, indirect or punitive losses and damages) arising from the use of the Service or the inability to use it.
  25. If the legislation of the country of the User does not allow the limitation of liability or the liability of the Company is established by an appropriate decision of a competent court, the Company will be liable only for the actual damage incurred by the User from the use of the Service, if such damage is related to the guilty actions of the Company, or if the damage arose due to reasons that the Company knew or should have known. In this case, the maximum amount of the Company's liability is limited to one thousand US dollars.
  26. This Agreement is valid throughout the world. The User has the right at any time to refuse to use the Service by terminating the Agreement and refusing from the ARTR coin usage, deleting the Artery Network application, all its copies, modifications, upgrades and materials derived from the application, and sending a corresponding notification to the Company at [email protected] The Agreement will be considered terminated from the moment the Company receives the User's notification.
  27. The ARTR coin, as well as any other types of cryptocurrencies, is not cash, does not have cash expression and does not provide the right to receive it in cash.
  28. The ARTR rate, like any other cryptocurrency, does not have a stable value, is constantly changing and is not controlled by the Company.

IV. Delegating coins

  1. When delegating ARTR, a 15% commission is charged, which is distributed to upstream users in the structure of the affiliate program as an affiliate reward.
  2. The process of withdrawing ARTR from delegation takes 28 days. During this period, rewards from the withdrawn amount of ARTR are not credited.
  3. The amount of remuneration for delegation depends on the amount of ARTR contributed to the delegation:

    Delegated 1–999 ARTR, remuneration + 11% / month.

    Delegated 1000–9999, remuneration + 14% / month.

    Delegated 10.000–99.999, remuneration + 17% / month.

    Delegated 100,000 and more, remuneration + 20% / month.

  1. All ARTR coins delegated by the User are located on the delegation wallet in the Artery Network application. They are automatically credited to the main wallet 28 days after undelegation (withdrawal).

V. Affiliate program

  1. The Company and the Users are independent contracting parties and this Agreement does not establish or purport to establish any agency, partnership, joint venture relationship, employer-employee or franchisor-franchisee relationship, agency relationship, partnership relationship, relationship on joint activities, personal employment relationships, or any other relationship not expressly provided in the Agreement or other types of commercial relationships.
  2. The user of the affiliate program is an independent person. The user is not an employee or legal representative of any of the companies operating under the Company's brand. The user is personally responsible for paying taxes, complying with laws governing entrepreneurial or other economic activities in his/her country and region of operation.
  3. The Company reserves the right to determine the marketing strategy and make changes to the standards governing the Company's activities, for example, the percentage of rewards in the affiliate program when voting among Users from the Hero status in the affiliate program using Artery Blockchain technology.
  4. By concluding the Agreement, the User undertakes the following obligations:
    • to maintain the reputation, share the ideology, policy and strategy of the Company;
    • not to produce advertising materials, not to create websites using trademarks, logos and other intellectual property owned by the Company, without the consent of the Company;
    • not to use in other projects the team built up using the affiliate program of the Service.
  5. In the Artery Network application, the Statuses section has been added, which task is to encourage Users to obtain elevated privileges within the Service, for example, opening levels in the affiliate program, receiving additional rewards, etc. The conditions for obtaining statuses and their benefits are described in more detail in the Statuses section in the Artery Network application.
  6. If the conditions of a particular status are not confirmed within 1 month (86400 blocks in the Artery Blockchain), the User will lose it and move one status lower.
  7. The affiliate program is divided into 2 types:
    • Affiliate program with payment of the tariff by invitees. Below is the percentage of remuneration up to level 10:

      Level 1: 15% from the payment of the tariff;

      Level 2: 10% from the payment of the tariff;

      Levels 3–7: 7% of the tariff payment;

      8 level: 5% from the payment of the tariff;

      Levels 9-10: 2% of the tariff payment;

    • Affiliate program with delegations by invitees. Below is the percentage of remuneration up to level 10:

      Level 1: 5% of the delegated amount;

      Levels 2-3: 1% of the delegated amount;

      Level 4: 2% of the delegated amount;

      Levels 5-9: 1% of the delegated amount;

      Level 10: 0.5% of the delegated amount;

  1. In addition to the affiliate program, there are "leadership bonuses" for Users who have shown high results in the Affiliate program. To ensure the payment of "leadership bonuses", 15% from each payment of the tariff are transferred to the leadership bonuses wallet .
  2. The accrual of rewards under the affiliate program is made only provided that the User has paid the tariff. In case of unpaid tariff, the remuneration is transferred to the higher-ranking Users in the affiliate program (compression of remuneration).

VI. Artery VPN and Artery Storage products

  1. After payment of the tariff for access to the products of the Artery Network Application, the funds are not returned due to the fact that the received payment is automatically distributed among the Users' wallets in accordance with the terms of the affiliate program;
  2. The Company provides initial support for the hardware and software necessary for the operation of the products, but as the network grows, these functions will be transferred to the Users, that is, the Company will not influence the operation of the Artery Blockchain.
  3. When buying coins from the first issue (10.000.000 ARTR), the User is obliged to go through the KYC procedure on the side of the payment system that carries out online processing.
  4. The Company does not guarantee 100% time of availability for the User’s files in the Artery storage, due to the impossibility of downloading from the devices (network nodes) that store them.

VII. Artery Node

  1. To activate the Artery Node Service, you must reach the Leader status in the affiliate program. When validating blocks, the device wallet must also have a delegated team stake (taking into account the user's own stake) from 10.000ARTR.
  2. When the User is credited with a fee for the amount of disk space provided for the Artery Storage product and the allocated amount of Internet traffic for the Artery VPN product, the time is considered while his device was online. In this case, the percentage of device activity is calculated, and according to the received percentage, a reward is calculated.
  3. Remuneration for the allocated device resources for Artery Storage and Artery VPN products is paid once a week to the main wallet.
  4. The reward for block validation is paid immediately after signing it to the main wallet.
  5. If the User's device is online, but transmits the encrypted part of the file with an incorrect hash, or does not transmit the encrypted part of the file in full, the Company charges a penalty of 10% of the already passed uptime (time spent on the network). This type of penalty is cumulative, that is, if the User's device re-transmits the encrypted part of the file with an incorrect hash, then a penalty will be charged again.
  6. If the monthly uptime of the device is less than 50%, then the reward is halved for 86400 (one month) blocks.
  7. If the device is not available at the time of its turn for block validation, it is excluded from the list of validators for the next 90 blocks.
  8. In case that the User's device misses more than 50% of the votes during one calendar month, or more than three times participates in attempts to form false blocks, the User is excluded from the list of validators for 86400 blocks (one month).
  9. In the event of proven deliberate malicious behavior of the User through his device, by the vote of the Users who have achieved the Hero status, it is possible to withdraw up to 10% of the Validator's stake for each proven case (from all delegates, in equal shares according to the percentage of participation in the validator's stake).
  10. The Company does not guarantee the operation of the Service in all data transmission networks.
  11. The Company does not guarantee the operation of Artery Node if the device does not have a public IP address on the Internet.
  12. The company does not guarantee that the application will work on devices not included in the list of officially approved ones. At the same time, the Company reserves the right to change this list.

VIII. Changes to be voted on

  1. The Company has the right to propose changes according to the following criteria, which will be implemented only after a vote has been held among Artery Network Users who have achieved the Hero status:
    • the percentage of remuneration in the affiliate program from the payment for the product;
    • the percentage of remuneration in the affiliate program from the delegations by invitees;
    • the cost of the tariff;
    • list of voting participants (inclusion / exclusion of a participant);
    • Artery Storage cost exceeding the base rate;
    • Artery VPN cost exceeding the base rate;
    • the number of blocks for voting;
    • list of wallets that have the right to activate other wallets upon registration without a commission of 1ARTR. The commission is set to protect the Artery Blockchain from spam with new wallets. A new wallet can be activated by an existing one by paying a commission of 1ARTR to the Artery Blockchain validator. However, there are wallets that have the right to activate other wallets without paying a commission, such wallets are chosen by general voting and at the start of the project there is only one such wallet that is responsible for activating new ones registered on the networkartery2022.com website without paying a commission.

IX. Prohibited actions and termination of the Service

  1. The user of the Artery Network is prohibited from participating in the following actions, including those prohibited by other provisions of these terms:
    • actions that will or may violate copyright, confidentiality, property and other rights or interests of other Users of the Service;
    • actions that will or may cause inconvenience, financial loss or other losses for other Users of the Service;
    • actions that have become or may be offensive to public order and morality, or violate laws, rules and regulations;
    • illegal use of email addresses, passwords or other personal information;
    • other actions that may interrupt the operation of the Service.
  2. The Company has the right to terminate any existing relationship between the Company and the User without prior notice if:
    • The Company suspects that the User is using, has used or tried to use the Service to carry out any illegal actions, including transactions related to money laundering or terrorist financing, as well as for any actions aimed at circumventing international sanctions, restrictions, prohibitions, national sanctions or any other restrictions;
    • The User does not transfer information requested by the Company or required in accordance with the current legislation of the country of which the User is a resident;
    • The user is subject to the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing;
    • In other cases specified in the Artery Network's internal Privacy Policy.

X. Changes

  1. The company reserves the right to change this Agreement at any time without prior notice. If any changes are made, the revised terms must be immediately posted in this Agreement. Please check the latest information provided here for any changes.

XI. Risk disclosure

  1. The user voluntarily accepts the risks associated with the use of the Service. These risks include:
    • Artery Network does not bear the risk of equipment failure.
    • the risk of software failure.
    • the risk of disrupting stable Internet access.
    • the risk of spreading malware.
    • the risk of third parties obtaining unauthorized access to information related to the User's wallet.
  2. Artery Network is not responsible for any technical failures of computer systems, servers or providers.
  3. Artery Network is not responsible for any losses incurred as a result of using the Service.
  4. The user assumes responsibility for the ARTR coin wallet. The user is obliged to protect his/her wallet from unauthorized access and take the necessary measures to protect it.

XII. Links to other sites

  1. The website networkartery2022.com and the Artery Network application may contain links to other sites and resources. Links to any linked site do not imply endorsement of any third party resources or their content by the Company.
  2. The links do not imply that the Company is affiliated with or associated with third parties or has the legal right to use any trademark, trade name, logo or copyright symbol displayed or accessed through the link, or that any linked sites have the right to use any mark or trademark, name, logo or symbol of the Company's copyright.

XIII. Privacy Policy

  1. Follow the link https://networkartery2022.com/privacypolicy for information on how we collect, process, use and transmit information about users.

XIV. Dispute Resolution

  1. The user can submit a written complaint to the Company about the contact information published on the networkartery2022.com website. The Company will make every effort to consider the User's complaint as soon as possible, and will send a final response letter within 1 (one) month from the date of receipt of the complaint. If the User has not received a final response from the Company or does not agree with the final response, the User has the opportunity to defend his rights in competent courts of Seychelles.
  2. Any disputes arising in connection with this Agreement or related in any way to the relationship between the Company and the User will be resolved through negotiations between the interested parties.
  3. All rules are governed by the laws of Seychelles.
  4. The Company hereby declares that it is the sole owner of all exclusive rights to the Service and is entitled to dispose of them at its own discretion, within the framework of current legislation of Seychelles.

XV. Condition form

  1. The User and the Company jointly acknowledge that the digital form of this Agreement is legally equivalent to a written agreement.
  2. This Agreement is concluded with Artery Network Corporation, located at Suit 103 Premier Building, Albert Street, Victoria, Mahe, Republic of Seychelles.